Protect your Data and Business From This Top Security Threat For 2017

Ransomware attacks are on the rise. It’s part of the top 10 threat predictions by security analysts and labs around the world. And for businesses that are victimized, the consequences can be paralyzing and destructive.

 When ransomware infects your computer or mobile device, your organization’s operations can come to a grinding halt. You’ll be denied access to your computer and in MOST CASES, lose yourdata. Ransomware attacks have cost U.S. businesses millions of dollars in losses. Don’t let your business be one of these.


  • Ransomware is the most malicious andfrequently used form of malware today.
  • There’s more than one type of ransomware.
  • It’s important to know what to do if you experience a ransomware attack.
  • The best way to protect your organization from ransomware is to prevent it from landing on your computers in the first place.
  • Always back up your data so your IT professional can restore it in the event of an attack.


Ransomware is the most malicious and frequently used form of malware today.

We’ve put together a FREE, no strings attached report explaining how you can protect your data and business from this top security threat for 2017.