Employee Resource Center

Employee Resource Center | Phishing

Your Employer has mandated that you take this training. Average time to complete: 5 Minutes

The average cost of a Phishing Scam is $1.6 million. It’s a top security concern for businesses today:

  • 1 in 3 companies is affected.
  • 30% of Phishing emails get opened.
  • Phishing is now the #1 vehicle for ransomware and other forms of malware

In the example below, this email appears to be from the IRS, however, the click here link contained within the email will most likely take you to a site that closely resembles the irs.gov webpage in look and feel. if unsure, simply navigate to the website yourself, instead of clicking on links in the email. The main purpose of such an attempt is to retrieve your password while you are under the impression that you are trying to login to a legitimate website.