Blog / Reports / Resources
Remember Why We Celebrate Memorial Day
When we think of Memorial Day, we have visions of parades, going to the beach, enjoying a picnic in the park, or gathering with family and friends for a barbeque. But, as most of us know, this is a special day to honor military members who made the ultimate sacrifice...
Codename Redstone 4, the New Windows 10 Version 1803: Key Changes and New Features for the April 2018 Update
Microsoft has released the fifth major update to its Windows 10 operating system, complete with a whole bevy of exciting changes and helpful features. This latest iteration is designed to improve performance and productivity while focusing more on security. The...
It’s Hurricane & Tropical Storm Season On June 1st –But Alberto’s Already Here!
The Hurricane and Tropical Storm Season officially starts on June 1st. But we heard just now that Louisiana sent out storm and flood warnings for Alberto. Alberto is a strong tropical storm that’s been gathering strength in the Gulf of Mexico for a few days. It’s not...
Technological Challenges Faced by Accounting Firms
Changes in technology come with a variety of challenges. First, there is the need to change and adapt to the new advancements. There are always financial costs associated with this process. The effects of technology are often widespread. Some people are concerned that...
Non-Profit Digital Developments for 2018
Succeeding in a non-profit organization in this day and time requires unique strategies. Technology is advancing at ever-increasing speeds and challenges even the best organizations on every level. The world has seemingly gone completely digital with Millennials now...
Today is the day…doing business in the EU? You need to be compliant with GDPR. Watch our informative GDPR training online today. The General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) have made headlines for some time now and the deadline for compliance is fast...
Better Get Ready – The GDPR Goes Into Effect Today!
What Is It? What Do We Need To Know? What Should We Do? If you don’t know what the GDPR is, and if you’re not ready for it, you’re going to get caught short because this is a legal deadline and it’s coming up fast. The General Data...
New Changes for Microsoft PowerPoint 2016
PowerPoint is an amazing, multi-faceted software program from Microsoft that allows users to create professional-looking slideshows. These presentations have evolved from being a novelty to an essential part of everyday business around the world. The slideshow format...
Office 365 GDPR Compliance Manager
Compliance Manager Compliance Manager is a data tracking system designed by Microsoft to ensure companies adhere to General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR). Organizations can sign up for paid Compliance Manager or subscribe to a free Compliance Manager via...
Wish That You Could Use Excel Like A Pro?
Excel Like A Pro Part III This is the final of a three-part series about using Microsoft Excel 2016. It will cover some of the more advanced topics. If you aren’t great with numbers, don’t worry. Excel does the work for you. With the 2016 version of Excel, Microsoft...
This Ransomware Survival Guide will help your employees master the skills to prevent downloading or linking to malicious ransomware threats. It will help them recognize phishing emails, malicious links and what to do when they find them. It will help you protect your...
Challenges Facing Today’s Manufacturing Firms
With the increase and diversification of consumer goods in the world today, there is a constant need for more manufacturing firms. Most manufacturing firms work around the clock and still can’t meet the needs of their customers. These companies play a big role in...
Wish That You Could Use Excel Like A Pro? Now You Can!
Excel Like A Pro Part III This is the final of a three-part series about using Microsoft Excel 2016. It will cover some of the more advanced topics. If you aren’t great with numbers, don’t worry. Excel does the work for you. With the 2016 version of Excel, Microsoft...
Risk Analysis vs. Gap Analysis
The government, as well as other stakeholders and interested parties, have emphasized the importance of following the laws and regulations on cyber security. With the ever-growing increase in cyber security threats, these regulations have become imperative. All...
Challenges Law Firms Should Be Ready To Face In 2018
A critical skill that an aspiring lawyer must possess is commercial awareness. One particularly important aspect is to demonstrate a comprehensive understanding of the market in which these law firms work. At the end of the day, any firm is just a business like all...
Better Get Ready – The GDPR Goes Into Effect May 25, 2018!
What Is It? What Do We Need To Know? What Should We Do? First step: Watch our training session on GDPR – Click Here If you don’t know what the GDPR is, and if you’re not ready for it, you’re going to get caught short because this is a legal...
New Microsoft Excel Data Visualization Features That Experts Are Excited About
There is no denying how critical Microsoft Excel is for day-to-day data processing and visualizations across organizations. Still, many users are not as familiar with the complete functionality of this handy tool as they could be. Today’s users say they have a fairly...
2018 Security Breaches Indicate That Cybercrime Is On The Rise
Cyber breaches have become the norm across the United States and in many parts of the world. Regardless of the size of your company or your budget for security, your company could be at risk. This has caused rapid growth in the cybersecurity industry. According to...
Reasons to Use a Managed Service Provider for Wireless Networking
Wireless networking has become a very important aspect of human life. The global marketplace has forced businesses to find new ways of reaching their customers in countries around the world. However, wireless networking isn’t just for business owners. Various people...
Why Nonprofit Organizations Should Invest in Microsoft Office 365
Not-for-profit organizations frequently contend with the lack of time and money necessary to afford large IT investments that are critical for achieving efficiency in their operations. Those organizations that can afford these technologies constantly have to deal with...
12 Ways to Get Your Business to the Top of Search
Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is truly an important part of marketing for any business. Businesses that rely solely or largely on online marketing must understand the concepts of SEO marketing in order to be successful. If you’ve been doing this a while, then you...
How to Publish and View Your Microsoft Planner Tasks in Outlook
Individuals and teams in organizations are always looking to get more things done within the shortest time possible. In this regard, Microsoft Planner comes in handy as a means to quickly get organized and collaborate effortlessly on projects, particularly where...
Getting the Most Out of Your Business Website
Today’s internet has literally changed the way businesses function. It has redrawn the boundaries and changed the rules of competition in today’s business climate. The Internet has allowed business owners to create much closer relationships with their customers. In...
Why Managed Detection and Response Is More Important Now Than Ever
Technology is constantly evolving, and so is its relevance. In the world today, technology is fast-becoming a human being’s best friend. Just think of the number of times that you rely on technology in a day’s time. Everyone, even the self-proclaimed analog dinosaur,...
What’s Up with Windows 10 S Computers?
Where Did They Go? In 2017, Microsoft planned to release a lightweight version of Windows 10. This was their effort to provide a Windows solution that delivered a predictable performance by using only Microsoft-verified applications via the Microsoft Store. Microsoft...
Hackers Infect Healthcare Sector
Security researchers have discovered a new hacking group that is targeting healthcare organizations and other major international corporations related to this sector all around the world, and especially in United States, Europe, and parts of Asia. The intent of this...
Are You Tired Of Waiting For IT Support?
The cost of downtime goes up exponentially when you’re waiting for an unresponsive IT company. So why bother? Try our responsive Help Desk instead. So much of the IT industry is dependent on time. How quickly an IT firm can respond to a problem, how much...
Law Firms Hot New Target for Hackers
The legal industry is facing its most challenging obstacle to date and it’s not from judges, court cases, the mafia, felons or any of those things you might guess. Instead, these attacks against law firms are coming from hackers. Once viewed as impenetrable to...
How to Simplify Microsoft Outlook 2016
Microsoft Office 365 now has over 60 million active users each month and has become a favorite of large and small business owners. Just about every task that business people complete each day can be accomplished using Office 365. From Excel spreadsheets to...
Hacking Alert – An Employee Of Your Manufacturing Company May Be Sending Intellectual Property To a Criminal and Not Know It!
Your manufacturing company is in the crosshairs of hackers. Cyber-spies are using backdoor viruses to steal intellectual property from businesses like yours. According to Verizon’s 2017 Data Breach Investigations Report, these cyber-spies are supported by nation...
New Threat Alert From The FBI – Password Spraying
7 Steps To Protect Yourself You probably use a number of personal identification numbers (PINs), passwords, and passphrases to get money from ATMs, to use your debit card when shopping, or to log in to your personal or business email. Hackers represent a real threat...
We Provide Security in the Cloud That Keeps Law Firms Free of Embarrassing Security Breaches
The question of the hour for attorneys and law offices is clear: What do law firms need to do to make sure they aren’t making headlines with a security breach? A good follow-up to this question is, who provides security in the cloud that keeps law firms free of...
9 Time-Saving Tricks for Microsoft Outlook 2016
Microsoft Office 365 offers a number of useful tools for today’s busy professionals including some new shortcuts for Outlook 2016. With so many companies now using Outlook as their major email program, Microsoft works to improve its operation with each annual update....
Starting a New Company? Doing Business in the EU? Don’t Forget the GDPR! The May 25th Deadline Is Right Around The Corner!
If you don’t know what the GDPR is, and if you’re not ready for it, you’d better read on or watch our webinar on demand by clicking here. The General Data Protection Regulation goes into effect May 25, 2018. It’s a privacy law the European...
Are Local Businesses Ready For GDPR?
As of May 25th, 2018, if local businesses aren’t ensuring the highest possible level of data privacy, they’re risking serious financial consequences. The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is coming into effect. What does this mean? All local businesses MUST be...
Is Your Technology Company Talking to You About GDPR Compliance?
The European Union’s General Data Protection Regulation goes into effect on May 25, 2018. Many U.S. and Canadian businesses have been working hard to meet the new GDPR guidelines., but it’s not clear if others have the technology in place to notify...
10 Major Reasons Small Businesses Are Still Vulnerable To Malware Attacks
We have seen firsthand the common errors and oversights that lead to infections and intrusions – and we want to help your business learn from those mistakes. When it comes right down to it, cybersecurity best practices are not nearly as complicated or confusing...
In the era of modern technology, effective database security is more important than ever. Your business stores a range of sensitive information (for clients and employees) all of which needs to be kept safe at all times. Should any of that data get exposed, either by...
Hey Brother, Can You Spare $2.7 Million?
Don’t Be Like The City Of Atlanta That Paid Millions After A Ransomware Attack In March 2018, Atlanta’s city government was hit with a ransomware attack that paralyzed them. They couldn’t process payments, provide information or other citizen...
Is Your Business Compliant with The New DFARS/NIST Requirements?
What DoD Contractors Need to Know About Controlled Unclassified Information (CUI) & Using a Technology Solutions Provider to Ensure Compliance with the DFARS and NIST. Today, more than ever, the Department of Defense (DoD) relies on external contractors and...