Technology Times

Newsletter April 2017

We spared no effort getting an impressive list of advice for business owners like yourself this month. We try our best to keep it as simple as possible while making the content easy enough, that any non-technical person can understand.

Twitter Tactics: 6 Tips To Attract Followers For Your Firm

Through efficient use of hashtags, networks, and other Twitter features, you can use tweets to bring valuable attention to your brand. Brevity isn’t just the soul of wit; it’s also the heart of an effective tweet!

The Importance of Training Your Employees To Spot Spoofed Emails

The number of security issues and malware risks that your company must contend with continues to grow every year, but one of the most potentially devastating threats that your business faces is surprisingly low-tech.

Sifting Through Spam: Understanding The Dangers Of Junk Mail

Every day, businesses and individuals send over 205 billion emails all over the world. Though many of these messages contain valuable information, a significant portion of them are spam.

5 Time Management Apps For Small Business Owners

Time management apps are the solutions that small business owners need to maximize efficiencies throughout their day. Small business owners are notorious for being pulled in one thousand directions at once.

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