Monthly Pricing Estimator
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Use our monthly pricing estimator to find out how cost-effective an outsourced IT solution would be for your company. Please use the contact us page for a customized solution if your company has 50 or more users
[estimation_form form_id="2"]
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Desktop Management and Protection
- Managed Antivirus
- Managed Web filter
- Patch Management
- Proactive remediation
- Integrated ticketing
- Monthly executive reports
- Weekly health summaries
- 24×7 Monitoring
Documents Backup
Automatically backup essential office documents twice a day
- Revisions / Copies kept for 28 days
- Recover files within seconds
- HIPAA Compliant
Server Management and Protection
For less than the price of a cup of coffee a day, this service protects your critical IT systems and helps keep your business running with
- Managed Antivirus
- Patch Management
- Proactive remediation & automatic ticket creation
- Integrated ticketing
- Monthly executive reports
- Weekly health summaries
- 24×7 Monitoring
Server Cloud Backup
Managed Backup provides a cost-effective cloud-based affordable solution to a range of data issues
- Unlimited Cloud Backup
- Full Data Recovery
- System Restore Backup