II. Of this sanctification we have already spoken (verse 7). The person of Christ was from the beginning. He was made in all things like unto His brethren. By what is contained in the mind is expressed. It must also have two sides, two elements, the physical and the spiritual, the material and the immaterial, the body akin to the dust, the spirit out of heaven. They were to record His life, His words, His miracles, His threatenings, His promises, His prophecies, His holiness, His righteousness, His passion, His death, His burial, His resurrection, His ascension into heaven, His session at the right hand of the Majesty on high, His coronation in glory, and His sending down the Holy Ghost from heaven, to prove Him to be the Lord's Messiah, the Saviour of the world. To promote this end St. John writes: "That you also may have fellowship with us." 3, p. 89). The Paperback Bible presents the Bible by the Book and is designed to be portable, readable, and truly personal with ample margins for notations. But the whole force of the gospel is in them. THE EVIDENCES OF REAL UNION WITH CHRIST AS PERFECT SAVIOUR. The poor heathen's religion is still a religion. It is as this essential Word, and only begotten Son of God, shines forth as God-man, in His most glorious person, mediation, work, grace, and salvation, in the everlasting gospel, and enlightens His Church therewith, that they in His light see light.(S. HIM OF WHOM JOHN IS HERE SPEAKING — "that which was from the beginning." By what is contained in the mind is expressed. As it "was from the beginning," it will be to the end. Still is the Lord unto us very Man and very God in one. Let us understand our mission; we are the apostles, the representatives of a religion which should give to the world not only the grandest ideas, the holiest thoughts, the most powerful inspirations, the deepest truths, and the most practical and valuable maxims, but also the most splendid sights, the most elevating sounds, and all that can cheer and sustain the heart of pilgrim man. It is in order that such of us as have heard and seen Jesus may still fix on Him the eyes of our under standing with an intent and protracted gaze. R. Fausset, M. We want what is above the first, but stops short of the second; the reality of the idolater's faith and the spirituality of that of the philosopher; the material and the immaterial together; a religion meeting man as a body, and meeting him also as a spirit; helping and upholding him on the physical and spiritual side at once. R. Fausset, M. So Christ, as one in the self-existing Essence, speaks out the mind of the eternal Father. But the notions of the acute philosophic mind have in them no reality. This is not a contradiction, for believers are not slaves to both holiness and sin. The truth is in neither of them: it lies between. They see Christ in the light of the gospel, and behold salvation and everlasting life in Him; but this is with the eyes of their mind. The Son of God took flesh; He dwelt among us in a true body; He did not abhor such material tabernacle. HE HAD HEARD, HE HAD SEEN, HE HAD HANDLED HIM. It boots not to say by way of objection that these are material things; they are, of course. What God is in His nature, persons, life, blessedness, glory, immortality, and eternity, is, and ever will be, incomprehensible (Job 11:7, 8, 9). The Lord by His special grace induces this result. to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. And from the advent of motion dates the order of the worlds. )And our hands have handled of the Word of lifeAppropiating faithAnon.Without this concluding sentence the apostle's description of the experience of faith had been imperfect; for wherever the Lord carries on "the work of faith with power," there is on the believer's part an appropriation to himself of that eternal life which he has heard, seen, and looked upon by faith. Let us understand our mission; we are the apostles, the representatives of a religion which should give to the world not only the grandest ideas, the holiest thoughts, the most powerful inspirations, the deepest truths, and the most practical and valuable maxims, but also the most splendid sights, the most elevating sounds, and all that can cheer and sustain the heart of pilgrim man. It is a link (that blind, gross, material notion) between him and a higher world, whose invisible powers he reveres, dreads, and trusts; it has the elements of Christian faith, and needs only to be purified by grace. They were the apostles themselves. It is by the contemplation of Christ's person that we become in a measure changed into His likeness. He will also be merciful and forgiving because he is righteous." It is in the essential Word all the mind of God is opened, all the love of God expressed, the whole of God declared. Soon every step makes plainer how great has been the change from Switzerland to Italy. THE TITLE JOHN GIVES THIS MOST WONDERFUL ONE. These various terms of hearing, seeing, looking, handling, are designed to express the reality of our Lord's Incarnation. We do not hold with the apostle merely such fellowship as we have with other great minds of the past; nor was John's communion with his Lord that which we cherish with our beloved dead, the communion of memory, or at best of hope. Secondly, let us take another type of religion. "I tell you," says the great apostle, "we have seen it with our eyes, we have heard Him with our very ears; we have touched and tested and handled these things at every point, and we know that they are so." )The mystery of the holy IncarnationMorgan Dix, D. D.There is not in Scripture a more amazing statement than this. And all harmony and peace centre there. He had passed away from their sight, to be with them forever in His Spirit. But at the point where that stone with the word "Italia" stands, he passes a boundary line. His mission is unique. The blessed and royal life of the Christian. 5-7).2. (3)Divine forgiveness.3. And can one view of "the King in His beauty" satisfy the spiritual eye? This is the mystery of the Incarnation, which whosoever looketh upon with faith and love shall find the extreme terms in the problem of religion brought together and harmonised therein. It is in the essential Word all the mind of God is opened, all the love of God expressed, the whole of God declared. He had shown them the Father. Compliance with the condition of forgiveness and cleansing (ver. Bad men may combine, but cannot unite. When the Word was made flesh there stood before men, first, what could not have been more real to the senses than it was. This 25 part expository study of 1 John was preached at Flagstaff Christian Fellowship in 2005-06. There was satisfaction given, and such demonstration given to every sense of body and mind, that Christ had a body like our own, that no greater proof could be given. God, immaterial and spiritual, without parts, or passions, was manifested in a body having members, in a humanity like unto our own, sin only excepted, in and under sensible and material forms, to the senses first, and through them to the spirit and heart of men. And even now there is a special blessing promised to them "who have not seen, and yet have believed.". (1) By this it is we speak to many, very many, even those that are absent and far distant from us; in which respect writing is wittily styled an invention to deceive absence. The distinguished privileges of a believer in Christ. What God is in His nature, persons, life, blessedness, glory, immortality, and eternity, is, and ever will be, incomprehensible (Job 11:7, 8, 9). The answer is, because this eternal life which was with the Father is by it manifested to us. There is, as John expresses it, "a handling" of the Word of life. The truth is in neither of them: it lies between. We see Him with the eye of faith, as certainly as those persons did with the eyes of their body, and as truly, yet not so clearly and fully, as saints in heaven do by sense and vision.IV. It was by Him all the secrets of the Most High were spoken out and proclaimed, and the invisible God brought out of His invisibility. And our hands have handled of the Word of life, Light the Nature and Dwelling Place of God, Message from Christ Brought to Bear on Fellowship with God, The Right Way of Obtaining and Maintaining Communion with God, Compression of Sins and the Power of Absolution, Confession of Sins the Sure Condition of Forgiveness and Cleansing, Denial of Sin and Confession of Sin with Their Respective Consequences, The Primary Condition of the Divine Fellowship Fulfilled in the Believing Compression of a Guileless Spirit, The Incarnation of Christ, before and after. Christianity, therefore, being ultimately resolvable into Him, and being, in fact, the perpetual and abiding manifestation in Him, must be what He is, Divine and human at once. Well may such expressions trouble the mind; they are so real, so physical, so material, so intense. True believers hear the voice of Christ in His Word, and in hearing it their souls live. It is everlastingly impossible we should, that state being past. Yet notwithstanding this, the different ends answered by the same are so essential, that they ought to be distinguished. We share Christ's thoughts about God. John 1:12-13; 1 John 1:3-2:2 The nature of light is to discover, the business of an ambassador is to impart his message; and accordingly the work of an apostle is to reveal the gospel. (1) Would we know what this life is, whereof the gospel is the word? But at the point where that stone with the word "Italia" stands, he passes a boundary line. The man has, after all, what lies at the basis of true religion; the faith in a power, outside of him, above him, and acting on him directly; capable of being approached, prayed to, propitiated, "a very present help in trouble." The person of Christ is a most transcendently excellent subject. Christ looked upon as a wondrous spectacle, steadfastly, deeply, contemplatively. It was in our nature He obeyed. It boots not to say by way of objection that these are material things; they are, of course. Confession to man is binding only when we have injured man, and then the confession should be made to the injured person or persons. For it is not simply a difference in men, or in civilisation, which we have to observe, great as, without historical exaggeration, that may be shown to be; but the advent of Christ works a difference in motives, and in the motive powers, which make human life, and which are creative of civilisations. He has not believed them lightly, and he does not expect others to believe them lightly. But the notions of the acute philosophic mind have in them no reality. He is faithful, not only to his promises, but to his own holy nature. God only unites. W. Jones . We receive ours from them: and that in a way of believing. (Newman Smyth, D. D.)The Divine and human in ChristThe picture produced in the stereopticon is fuller, rounder and more natural than the same picture seen without the use of that instrument. For it is not simply a difference in men, or in civilisation, which we have to observe, great as, without historical exaggeration, that may be shown to be; but the advent of Christ works a difference in motives, and in the motive powers, which make human life, and which are creative of civilisations. It is in Him the full revelation of Godhead is made known. It is everlastingly impossible we should, that state being past. We declare, as being sent by God to publish this errand; and that which hereby is intimated to us is that these holy apostles did not run before they were sent, but had a mission and commission to show and declare the things of the gospel.3. This was grace and glory inexpressible.II. We declare, as being sent by God to publish this errand; and that which hereby is intimated to us is that these holy apostles did not run before they were sent, but had a mission and commission to show and declare the things of the gospel.3. Thankfully to acknowledge what a rich treasure, a precious pearl, God hath vouchsafed to us in bestowing the gospel on us! HE HAD HEARD, HE HAD SEEN, HE HAD HANDLED HIM. A. )The Incarnation of Christ, before and afterNewman Smyth, D. D.Midway down the Simplon Pass, the traveller pauses to read upon a stone by the wayside the single word "Italia." The answer is, because this eternal life which was with the Father is by it manifested to us. That He had a real body. It is Christianity, on its physical side, which has given us the cathedrals of the world, grand creeds and anthems at once in stone and sculpture, reflecting the spiritual glory of the Lord in their solemn magnificence, and praising Him as far as their towers, domes, and cross-topped spires can be seen; it is from that side of religion that men have drawn the fulness of that refreshment which a simple and unsophisticated humanity craves. No; it will rest with a mingled feeling of sorrow and joy on Him whom our sins have pierced. )The mystery of the holy IncarnationMorgan Dix, D. D.There is not in Scripture a more amazing statement than this. )Witnesses of the Word of lifeN. Christianity, therefore, being ultimately resolvable into Him, and being, in fact, the perpetual and abiding manifestation in Him, must be what He is, Divine and human at once. That He had a real body. The nature of light is to discover, the business of an ambassador is to impart his message; and accordingly the work of an apostle is to reveal the gospel. It was in our nature He obeyed. Going from the former towards the latter, there is a point at which we must stop, having found what we need. E. But in so far as the child of God abides in Christ he is separated from sin. Thankfully to acknowledge what a rich treasure, a precious pearl, God hath vouchsafed to us in bestowing the gospel on us!2. The Father told it to Jesus, Jesus to them, they to us, and we to others. We may from time to time imagine God as He is in heaven, surrounded by myriads of glorious angels — we may imagine Christ looking down upon us from God's right hand, interceding for us, calling us to account at the last day, and awarding to us our final doom; but the mere picturing these things to ourselves is not the same thing as believing them; the believing them is the having such a conviction of their reality as to live under their influence, and to be in some measure, at least, governed by them. Christ looked upon as a wondrous spectacle, steadfastly, deeply, contemplatively. II. (2) Cleansing from our sins. Neither of these can be spared; religion without the latter would be a gross and carnal system; without the former a cold abstraction. Christianity, rightly understood, is Christ; and Christ is the same, yesterday, today, and forever, still God and man in One. It boots not to say by way of objection that these are material things; they are, of course. He was made in all things like unto His brethren. "Faith is of the operation of God" (James 1:16-18). Thus far I have been speaking mainly of the days when Christ was here on earth. 3).1. The answer is, because this eternal life which was with the Father is by it manifested to us. Their combination is a rope of sand. (1) Would we know what this life is, whereof the gospel is the word? It was by His Almighty fiat the heavens and the earth were created, and all the host of them. When the Word was made flesh there stood before men, first, what could not have been more real to the senses than it was. "He that covereth his sins shall not prosper; but whoso confesseth and forsaketh them shall have mercy." THE PERSONS WHO HAD THUS SEEN HIM — "which we have heard," etc. It may be defined as the faculty by which we realise unseen things. We bear witness to facts — to an eternal truth revealed in time. 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