Although many long for the simplicity of yesterday, advancements in technology are quickly taking over every industry. This includes the legal field. Technology provides an ability to streamline resources and improve efficiency. Of course, people are required to manage it.
No one argues against the benefits of having good support staff members. They are essential to the continuity of the work cycle. They ensure that the lawyers and legal staff are able to focus on what they do best. For example, when IT needs to be optimized or updated, the rest of the office should be able to function normally.
Whether it is by hiring a team or a single technician, handling IT in-house can use more resources than necessary. Plus, as technology continues to advance, it will require additional resources to keep up. That is why it is often better to outsource.
Here are five of the primary reasons your law office should consider outsourcing its IT services.
How Will Outsourcing Improve Availability?
By outsourcing to a full-service IT provider, the office’s network will continue to run smoothly. This means that attorneys always have access to their critical data. For example, it is necessary to be able to find and retrieve records and case files when preparing for court. If the network crashes, those documents would be unavailable.
It also ensures that existing clients have easy access to their counselors. If clients are unable to reach their attorney, they are likely to hire another. If potential clients cannot find a specific law firm’s website, there are plenty of others from which to choose. It is a highly competitive market.
Outsourcing eliminates this as an issue or at least reduces the likelihood.
Will It Help the Firm Maintain Compliance?
In an age of identity theft and cybercrime, it is even more important to take every precaution to ensure the safety of a client’s data. In the legal industry, it is also the law. Unfortunately, compliance is a complicated process.
Someone seeking legal advice assumes that his or her information will be kept safe. They believe that the lawyer they choose will do whatever necessary to protect it. Outsourcing IT provides the best security for your clients’ sensitive data.
Will It Reduce Expenses for the Firm?
There are several ways in which outsourcing IT operations saves money and makes the practice more profitable. A team of full-time IT employees is costly. They have limited expertise and the firm might be financially responsible for paying for certification. Otherwise, they could fall behind and be unable to work with more advanced technology, as it is developed.
By outsourcing, the office has access to a full team of specialized experts who are qualified to work on the most recent tech. The firm is not responsible for their training and they are available 24/7/365. It is less expensive than hiring full-time technicians.
What Quality of Service Is Available?
Since remaining at the top of their game is vital to their edge, an IT firm is nearly guaranteed to be skilled in all of the contemporary tools and tricks. Plus, since it is comprised of a team of experts, problems can be identified and resolved quickly. If one technician does not have the answer, he/she can easily consult with others.
With an outsourced IT team, law firms receive the following benefits that an in-house technician would not be able to provide:
Business continuation
Customized technology
Predictable expenses
Reduced overhead
Superior security
Team of specialists
World-class IT service
Law firms that hire an in-house IT employee are likely to get someone with a moderate amount of experience and general problem-solving skills. They may try to hire a “dream team” of IT experts but that would be time-consuming and expensive. Plus, who would know more about hiring IT experts—an IT firm or a legal one? By outsourcing to a provider that specializes in the legal industry, the benefits multiply.
How Will Outsourcing Provide a Competitive Advantage?
New technology is an ever-evolving beast. While a talented IT employee working in a law office might try to keep up, it would be nearly impossible. This is especially true since legal technology is a niche that is innovating in previously unpredicted ways.
Additionally, new security threats are developing almost as quickly as technology itself. With so many things happening at once, it’s easier for a managed IT services team to adapt. With a “divide and conquer” approach, they are less likely to miss something.
Having an outside company of IT experts provides law firms a competitive edge. By using the most up-to-date technology, lawyers are able to devote their energies to more important things.
In Conclusion
There’s no doubt that advances in technology bring numerous benefits to clients, as well as the firm. They allow counselors to work efficiently and be more accessible than ever before. Outsourcing IT allows lawyers to have all of these tools at their disposal without requiring they become an expert in each. With the benefit of a professional IT firm on call, they can focus on what is most important in their practice: the clients.