It happens every December 8 and reminds us of the many technology transformations that have occurred over the years. Its official name is Pretend to Be a Time Traveler Day, and it gives us a chance to pretend that we’re H.G. Wells and we can hop in a time machine and experience the revolutionary technology breakthroughs that happened in other eras.
Short of a time machine, we can use our minds and imaginations to travel to other time periods, when, for instance, the steam train or airplane or automobile were new on the scene. Or, how about going back to the 17th Century when the first wristwatches appeared? What if we could take all our devices and go back to the 1400s and show some blacksmith or the King of England himself an iPad or iPhone?
The effect of such an occurrence would cause quite a stir, no doubt.
Time travel has also been brought up in the Talmud and early Japanese tales. A bit more recently, Charles Dickens’ “A Christmas Carol” tells us about how the main character, Ebenezer Scrooge, is transported back and forth through time to witness various events, leading to his eventual change of heart towards mankind and those closest to him. And even more recently, the popular Back to the Future Trilogy depicts the adventures of American teen Marty McFly as he travels both into the future and the past to right wrongs. The point being, time travel has fascinated mankind for millennia.
Einstein’s Theory of Relativity bowled over many people when his theory proposed that one could travel the space-time continuum for decades, and return to Earth at relatively the same age, while those close to them would have aged decades and/or passed away. Einstein allowed us to feel we were much closer to being able to travel in time.
A History of Pretend to Be a Time Traveler Day
Created in 2007 by the Koala Wallop online community, Pretend to Be a Time Traveler Day was dedicated to the idea of the human race one day being able to travel through time. The first known mention of such a concept is in ancient Hindu mythology, where, in one of the stories, the King Revati travels far away to meet the Creator, Brahma. Upon returning to his kingdom, he is shocked to find that many ages have passed during his relatively short absence.
A Celebration of Travel Through Time
As its name suggests, Pretend to Be a Time Traveler Day allows us to forget our contemporary constraints and let our imaginations run wild. Perhaps the best way to celebrate this day is to read a book like H.G. Wells’ The Time Machine or watch a movie that gives us the time-travel experience like Back to the Future. Or, you could dress up in period costumes and act out your own scene of, say, someone from the time of King Louis XIV landing in our time-period to exclaim, “Mon Dieu!” at the sight of several people wandering into traffic while playing Pokemon Go.
However you decide to celebrate Pretend to Be a Time Traveler Day this year, you can also reflect on the massive changes we’ve undergone technologically just in this century alone. Certainly, the IT services and support industry would have to be a standout amongst those breathtaking changes!
Do You Need a Comprehensive IT Consultation and Network Evaluation?
By the way, fellow travelers of the 21st Century, is your IT network health and welfare where it should be, or do you need expert IT consulting to render you an in-depth evaluation? Whatever your IT concerns are (security, compliance, data management, server monitoring, etc.) we can help get you to where you need to be.
Call one of our friendly {company} strategic IT consulting experts at {phone} or email us at {email} for more info on how we can return (or send) you to a simpler, headache-free time period in IT networking.