He keep saying that we where just friends but wash texxing and calling everyday. breaks my heart? Never did. This is a sign that he is emotionally dependent on you and probably in love as well. I know it will happen someday. Now I'm left heart broken and have no idea where I stand. This is creepy but I didn't mind because it was him. he drives me crazy when he just dissapear :( Im not like the typical cancer im fun,outgoing,very indepandant, and i love going out im modern.. My aquarius ex boyfriend is being hot and cold with me. Another aries woman I am an Aries woman in love with a younger Aquarius man. I'm giving him the space, but if it's anything else man up and let me know so I can go about my business. But he still didn't fight back. we are beautiful people, this could be our dream come true, or at the least we will inspire each other as great sexy friends, cheer us on!!! Okay. So I did a disappearing act on him. Written by experts. But unlike the experiences others seem to have had, this man has been absolutely faithful to me, has never "disappeared", and has, in his own way, been absolutely loving and caring. So, it's reassuring to him the Aries woman is interested in getting to know him when she makes the first move. If youre getting touch signals from him often, its a sign that he wants you back in his life and possibly wants to ignite the relationship. I am totally lost and confused. he never called or messaged me and i thought that was so weird because i could have sworn we had a ridiculous connection. I realized after his break that I should not say I am going to leave as this frightens him, so he says and he is unsure if he wants to move forward when he feels threatened that I will leave. They temper one another and, as time passes, the connection between Aquarius man Aries woman only gets better. Initially i called him once in a day & messaged in general clearly stating that its okay if he doesn't reply. Independent is a defining trait of Aries. I mean everybody has issues but 4 me my good out weight the bad. When theyre not together, each seems to be cold and distant. When a Pisces man dates an Aries woman, he can expect her to open her own doors, put on her own coat, pull out her own chair, and perhaps even offer to pick up the check. But i gave him his freedom. so, i decided i'd had enough of his juvenile behavior and actually told him i didn't want to be friends anymore. Unless its something serious, theyll be over it in a few hours. I still haven't heard from him. Beginnings are always important, so it helps if an Aries woman and Pisces man know a little about what to expect before they embark on their first date. Trust me, he will wonder why you don't seem bothered by his disappearance. I emailed him etc all the things I shouldn't have done but gave it a NC after and messaged him on fb and it was all ok again. In fact, I'm a bit obsessed with him. And I absolutely agree with you, their behaviour can come across as so immature and rude at times and yet if they were trested the same way - well, don't they have something to say about it? Yet at 45 I find myself wanting this man more than I have ever wanted any man that I feel compelled to try to understand him (hence visiting websites such as these, MAD!. All I know is that, as an Aquarius, I think I know what you are talking about. She is an intelligent, powerful girl. Im not trying to discourage you from continuing your relationship but seriously seriously consider what I have written. our connection was unbelievable. To the point they watch my social sites and will admit it. You just have to make sure him and you remain on the same page. I was dating a aries man. And even when he cares for someone, its hard for him to sacrifice and make changes to adapt to them. In worse cases, Aries may treat others as a tool. He always talked about putting a ring on it. I think they need to grow up and know that the world doesn't revolve around them and that they need to give to get. I should of cued in then. For me, at least, it is just having fun, just interacting. I noticed this guy at my work place. Like - you can't make time for me, well I'm going to give you all the time in the world, - like forever. What can you make of an Aquarius man who I know from the past 3 mnths who usually does talk abt his ex girlfriends but today he mentioned abt meeting 1 of his ex gf and also said that he "MIGHT" go to meet her i'm an aqua girl too and don't forget that the general traits are same whether its a man or woman, so if you want keep space and not show any emotions so will the girl. we broke up again after 1 week vacation with me he said he cant get married with me bla bla bla, and after 8months break up, he called me everyday i mean everyday! luckily i'm at a point in my life where i'm not needy for attention and don't want to be with a man that hasn't really thought it out and is actually brave enough to face it. For as long as you're honest, loving, kind, and sweet, someone would regret losing you. If you want an Aries to shower you with comforting words, you probably pick the wrong person. There is no place for ifs and buts in their life. And for better or worse, they are there to impress. Looks like your account has been deactivated. And I kept thinking if I just hung in there he would let me into that secret place that seems so special. It's exhausting!! So,i still have love 4 this man which i know may sound crazy. An Aries woman is determined to take the lead, and that includes making the first advance and inviting the charming but seemingly shy Pisces man on a date. hence, no relation. The information I read is good but sometimes I'm use to him but this right here what he is doing is so hurtful. Or something. Leaves me hanging? However, hard some of them try to keep up the appearance, they hurt as well. He's divorced Twice you once you reunited after all that time that's past still have feeling for each other. But i know he is not the man 4 me. I wasn't playing a game, I'm a straight shooter and I don't take crap like that from someone who I've made a priority in my life. Aquarians are widely known for their 'disappearing act'. He has work commitments in other countries for the next three weeks. i met my aquarian at work. But I do miss him believe me! 14 Significant Signs an Aries Woman is in Love with You After the first couple months I expressed to him that he wasn't making enough time for me, and I backed off a bit. I mean, do I even stand a chance of getting back with him? And I know they all have this fondness for me bc they say they know I'm wonderful/loving but I'm detached to all of them. Thank you Anna! If he said something he meant it and sometimes I wonder if the aqua is just full of bs!! Impulsive, they will jump into a fight, attacking others and defending themselves. He has been distant but drill there and when i wanted to see him before he turned on me.. he asked me why so even though i respond to his messages with no more than a simple answer and I answer his calls and do not indulge in conversation.. 41 Follow Your Dreams Quotes to Spark Your Inspiration, Anything is possible if you dare to dream. she needs emotional intimacy, etc, etc. im married going through a separation. After dating for a while I felt like he wasn't making me a priority in his life and my reaction was to take off and run. When an Aquarian disappears they will often without warning or explanation, cut off all contact and retreat into their own world. Everything was always about his feelings, mines was NEVER a concern to him. Yes he is very affectionate, and reading this article it makes me feel sick to think that he is not meaning to be affectionate and its just accidental signals he sends - and the reasons for his disappearing being a mental freak out- indicates that I am dealing with a child? Together they make a great team full of incredible ideas. I truly know how you feel, as even now I miss him. He cares. I still haven't heard from him. But when he does text me he says really nice things but idk what else to believe.. i have never felt this way for no other guyy :( i need help. That he decided Im too much work (Im a Pisces and we are a bit emotional), or that he was using me, or is in love w/ me and is afraid..it doesnt matter does it? Aries Woman. Getting over the hurdles in their relationship will require that both the Aries woman and the Pisces man understand each has something special to bring to the table, and they are better together. He was very upset & has given me the cold shoulder since. Especially if their feelings are hurt and their ego is bruised. Sammie is currently the executive editor for Preparing for Peace, covering everything related to love & dating, relationships, and marriage. I have a txt drafted to him which is simply assuring him that I like him and wanna continue but not sure we should unless he feels the same way. I truly haven't cared for someone or wanted to give my heart to someone in so long. But anyway will he come back around? If that isn't proof of him seeing others then what is? In the 3 months that we have been dating we have only actually got together 4 times (apart from blowing me out in the early days there are other reasons for this. That his lack of interest is a sign of incompatibility. This is all understandable as i like to have my freedom too. I've been dating my aqua for 8mnths and it has been one rocky ride. Plus, regrets like this don't always come immediately after the breakup and he may never admit it, especially if he's one of those stubborn Zodiac signs. You have to mimic them. We love people, love being with them, love studying themBut we also hate being tied down and when people get too closeIt scares us, to be frank, and we run away to the next thing. Second time we chatted for 15-20 min & I told him I know I wounded him by doubting him & that I did it purposely to push him away bc I was feeling too strongly for him & got scared. And its almost a challenge or a mystery you feel compelled to solve. Have you felt like hes kept you on the sidelines in his social life? There is always talk of marriage, putting a ring on my finger (even how many carats), taking me on trips, the whole nine yards, but nothing has come of it, haven't seen jack and I'm okay with thisjust that I sense a lot of talk but not a doer in that aspect so I take everything he says with a grain of salt and not rely heavily on the "good" talk because I know it's just talk, but that mess has got to stop, I hate bs. Omg, this iscel exactly what im going through.The Aquarius thats putting me through this is my ex.We not together anymore but he keep bugging me about us Getting eachother name tattoed..that also confuses me, I met aquarian man who did nothing but showed me enthusiasm and interest buti wasnt interested because i found him quite ude, abrupt, dominatind and unappealing but saw him every day as he was doing work on my home with my uncle. WTF I just left . On the third date we became intimate and on the last date (which was last week) it was like he doesn't want to know. Neither of them feels comfortable with compromise. Before I read this great information I didn't know how to deal with the Aquatius male. Would you like to understand whats going on in the head of this dude? I still don't kno whether v r datin, in a relationship etc etc and I'm afraid to ask as this myt ruin everythin(learnt frm my past). They are the first signs in the zodiac so often are referred to as the child of the circle. we live in different country so yea its abit hard for him i understand!, he kept postpone his coming (bla bla bla many excuses) i cant handle it anymore so i broke up with him! But does he miss me? WHY IS IT SO DIFFICULT? I got quite involved with his children, weekends away etc. But, can someone, anyone, please HELP!! we were friends then intimacy started, Sex was unbelievable. Please enter your mobile number to Login/Sign Up on Astroyogi, OTP has been sent to you on your mobile number. Heres the thing, we got into it a few days ago, but we talked it over. No matter how I feel about them. I'm an Aries grl, This man is going to try your patience like no other. so, for 7 years we were dating from his warped aqua perspective; he didn't even need or want sex to consider us a relationship. In love relationship, he tends to be romantic and passionate with a flair for the dramatic that any woman would miss. You decide to catch his attention and build his attraction for you by making yourself more appealing to him. If you want to learn how to know if an Aries man is rejecting you, this is one of the main things that you need to know. then he started coming around every 2 weeks or went even longer without calling. That shit right their can cost him his life if not careful. Then we lost contact somehow for about 2months. He took a break about 2 months ago after a few fights where I felt were unresolved so I threatened in heat of argument to leave. Those guys are either immature or just not that interested. The next few days we talked once a day and then all of a sudden I didn't hear from him at all. But it gets really different when she likes you. Thats why I say they some kind of complementing one another well. Luckily, having a partner like Aries woman will make him put down his guards some days. One step away! Short temper. He will text me to death and reply one day and the next he barely comments. With this information at hand, youll find it much easier to see where this tumultuous relationship is leading, how much time to invest in it and the correct steps to win this guy over once and for all. I can never relax and enjoy him. Aries and Sagittarius Compatibility - 3 years. I got pissed of and course him out. Reading the Aquarian man can be even more complicated than with most guys. If he is acting that way treat him equally that's what I would do so he sees how that feels. Aries woman is very impatient and energetic. I can play that game for a short time, but my patience is gone, and I've had enough. yes! Why does he pull me in with one hand then another push me away?? I am addressing that and we had a while where only 1 argument and I didn't run, he talked me out of it. .3 weeks maybe cause he just disappeared. He had some exam for 2 weeks so i let him be. then other times like today i feel weak. a woman needs love and affection. Can you tell me why he must be behaving like this?Please can you tell me what should i do & how should i go bout it? WTF?! He lost out bigtime. I hope you enjoy this article! We like mysteries, and we like to open closed books. In my experience, it's not that us Aquariuses are displeased with you or that you did something wrong. Been dating this Aquarius for almost a year and its the slowest process ever! Be the person to make his tie and coffee and telling him "Go get em tiger" when he leaves the house. Don't push him into a romantic situation. Ive decided if he never calls me again, and after I see him next week (I frequent where he works) if he still doesnt call me or offer an explanation, he is going to get a nicely worded letter about his behavior and I will close the door on this chapter. He went lmao :p.sighs so confused with his actions I hope he lost his fone again! Aries woman is a very strong character and is very charismatic. If you are unable to handle him, then he will get the signal that youre not a good fit for him. At that point, all bets are off. We have gone 2-3 years with no contact whatsoever & then out of the blue he would contact me & we would get together, hang out, have sex & part ways until the next time. Express their eagerness in learning from each other, and they can be a promising couple. I can tell you one thing: an Aquarius is quite a handful. Reasons Why Aries Man Keeps Coming Back To You (7 Possible Reasons) I just ignore him back. Enter OTP to verify & login to your account. He seems to be very sweet one day but may become hot-tempered on the next day his moody behavior frustrates you because you dont know what youve done to him. So yeah, plenty of mixed messages/signals. He told me during this time that he was dealing with some stuff. If you've known this man for a bit, you should be in on his ways by now. The response I got was" I understand, I just need some time to figure things out. He takes like 10 hours to text back and when he does hes telling me he sorry that he misses me that he cant wait to see me.. but then again he dissapear and stop texting me out of nowhere.. Im confused cuz i feel like hes getting bored of me and that he dont want nothing with me.. Without any effort, soon many problems will appear between the two of them. This guy needs to be patient, or he will keep creating problems. Good luck to whoever has the patience and the code cracking skills to get close to one. If being accused for something that shes not, Aries will immediately stand up for herself. I know, seriously.) a very cute "AHOLE" I felt guilty, his suffering he cried alot on phone and begged to come back, so we got back again, and then he forget my b'day! We were friends for a year before that. So, they are very unpredictable men. Which I have told him it pisses me off. Being with Aries man, you have to accept the fact that he will do whatever he wants without explaining anything. Theres nothing wrong with being competitive. An Aries woman has a vitality that gives the languid Pisces man a boost. Always with his friends, but didn't want me with mines. Ignore him yet do not disappear totally. I have been in relationship with Aries man for six months he told me he would never leave me . Her "just do it" way of living sparks him to act on his dreams and imaginings. I explained it took a lot of courage, for me to be vulnerable to him, by opening up. It still hasn't affected me. Somehow it seems to me there is a reason that the universe has produced people with the Aquarius temperament, and so I want to find a way of valuing this personality and the individual man that I love.
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