This means 5.3 has a somewhat more opinionated default frontend stack than previous versions do. This is not same twitter app, but I am just trying to teach you some of the concepts like Events in Vue.js, Laravel Model relationships and complex queries. In this Laravel and Vue Example, we will build a twitter type web application. Now, register this component inside an app.js file. Create an authentication using the following command. vue-laravel-example (opens new window) Vue - Laravel - Example is a simple example to set Vue with Laravel. There is a whole lot you can build with Vue and Laravel. Picker 64. Vuedo is an open source project built with Laravel and Vue.js. That fired event listen by Timeline component and update the UI according to it. Setting up Vue Router is the easiest part. Remember, we are not refreshing the page to fetch all the tweets. Contribute to TunNandaAung/tweety development by creating an account on GitHub. Table 65. Then, you may begin adding components to this application. Making Favorites Part Of The Activity Feed, How To Make HTTP Requests In Angular Using Observables, How to Create Laravel Artisan Console Commands, 37 Awesome Cloud and Virtualization Blogs. Now, if everything is setup correctly then you can be able to save the Post and in response, you get the Post object with its associated user. So we can define the inverse relationship inside Post.php model. These would be the