But of course, and by all means, you can believe and eat exactly as you wish I’m just offering another perspective. Cruciferous vegetables provide a variety of benefits, even (and especially) for those with thyroid disease. My immune system is bad, horrific pain with my nerve and muscles. Cruciferous Vegetable Night was made famous by the Big Bang Theory character, Sheldon Cooper. With low-calorie content and being rich in nutrients and fiber, adding cruciferous vegetables to your diet is a great weight loss strategy and also improves your health overall. Once inside sulforaphane can damage important intracellular structures like mitochondria and enzymes. You can talk about the complex science all day. Pain is hard to see but it really makes for a poor quality of life doesn’t it! Are there other foods that contain these chemicals in smaller amounts, or are cruciferous veggies totally unique? Cruciferous vegetables are rich in fiber and low in calories that keep us full and satisfied without overeating. Is there more plant toxins if the animals are grain finnished? What are your symptoms for menopause?” Had she asked that ONE question, I would have said, “What do you mean. It is very effective at killing cells. I recommend “Nutrition and Physical Degeneration” as well as “The untold story of Milk”. From your article: “As with other plant chemicals, the poison is in the dose”. Did you know that pineapple has been used for centuries in Central and South America … In addition, cruciferous veggies like broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage and Brussels sprouts, are especially problematic and can spell trouble even when cooked. In 2019 I did a "new years. I got my first cancer in 2001 because my doctor had me on hormone replacement for seven years. I dont have acces to good quality meat so i want to know and i also have good quality potatoes (home grown). I love your knowledge and the sharing of it Kevin. And no I’m not in agreement with most nutritionists as their recommendations have resulted in unprecedented chronic disease. Hi Renee, yes, I know it seems like you hear “eat this” one minute and then the next “no that is bad, eat this.” Animals can tolerate up to 5-10% rapeseed meal in their diets before suffering from goiters, depressed growth, gastrointestinal irritation, anemia, perosis, poor egg production, and liver and kidney lesions. I was just so surprised to see you comment on it here and just had a need to reach out to you. Well, I guess I’m the exception. How are you now, are you still on the Carni diet, I did it for 3 weeks and stopped due to worrying about Cancer and Heart disease. I am considering giving it a try. The damage increases reactive oxygen species (ROS). You discredit your (valid) argument by bringing religion into a conversation about science. No one gets out of life alive anyways. Half way through my meal, I will jump up and run to be sick. Cruciferous vegetables provide a variety of benefits, even (and especially) for those with thyroid disease. [r] This is like turning up the dial on the human immune system. To do this it will upregulate an army to fight it. Common misnomer. many dairy products, such as milk. In regard to fruits and vegetables, of course they can be used as food. The term "cruciferous vegetables" refers to the common cultivars in the Brassicaceae or Cruciferae family with cross-bearing flowers, hence their other name "crucifers." FODMAPs are a group of carbohydrates found in vegetables like crucifers (broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, and kale), alliums (leeks, onions, and garlic), and a few other culprits. Mustard greens 12. In effect, research has found inverse associations between cruciferous vegetable intake and the risk of certain cancers, including breast, kidney, bladder, prostate and pancreas (1). For some reason, research paints this in a positive light. An allergy to spinach is one of the most common. The isothiocyanates created by chewing up broccoli can have potent antithyroid effects and interfere with thyroid hormone production. If you want the health benefits of kale without the aspects that could lead to an enlarged thyroid, simply cooking it can mitigate this risk. Cruciferous vegetable consumption is associated with a reduced risk of total and cardiovascular disease mortality. ... J Allergy Clin Immunol. When doctors prescribe medicine, they know this, and prescribe based on the fact they believe in that situation for that particular patient the benefit is greater than the costs/risks. I looked at what I’m eating plenty of….Brussels sprouts, cauliflower and cabbage. If an elevated bump with a red ring around it appears, you’re allergic to the substance. So of course it is biased and has been for over a hundred years. 46. Yes it can absolutely help reduce antinutrient content – I talk a bit more about this in the full ebook / download too. Sometimes, cooking kale makes it tolerable, sometimes not. From the reason for the putrid smell to the taste, you may have saved our lives. Cruciferous vegetables have risen in popularity recently due to their apparent cancer-fighting properties. While growing out in a field the bomb and the matchstick sit in separate compartments so that the broccoli doesn’t blow itself up. And while the intent is to kill cancerous cells, there is often a significant amount of “friendly fire” and the death of healthy cells as well. Cruciferous vegetables (broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cauliflower, cabbage, kale, etc.) What is the Link Between Cruciferous Vegetables and Cancer? What will be better, carrots or potatoes for meal? More research is needed to see how much of the population has a cruciferous vegetable allergy. That’s exactly right. Animal studies suggest that consumption of cruciferous vegetables, including broccoli, kale, and cabbage, can lead to suppressed thyroid function. These foods are only recently introduced to the Western diet from South America - so they fall into the category of "Modern Foods". BioResponse DIM® is a stable, bioavailable form of DIM, made possible through a proprietary delivery system. I also have pudendal neuralgia. I am throwing in the sugar component here because I don’t even eat my “allotted” amount of sugar. Because the cruciferous family of vegetables are susceptible to the same diseases and pests, it’s best to make sure that you rotate the location of all cruciferous vegetables in your garden each year. I don’t believe I have ever read of any one food source not having some danger associated if not consumed in moderation. The truth is, the fruits and veggies of today are not even close to the same quality or even species. Cauliflower. Within this noble group, however, exists a family of vegetables with truly profound health benefits: cruciferous vegetables (crucifers). Well just like other plants, these vegetables place a high priority on survival. Thanks Kevin for eye opening info that will receive scrutiny from a society that’s been lied to for so long, it somehow becomes the (Ugly) truth. Plus everybody is different one may have allergy or intolerance to the ingredients of broccoli or any plant and animal product. Also, try one of our latest mouthwatering, vegetable-centric recipes: healthy and super-satisfying Curried Cauliflower Soup that includes kohlrabi! The most common type of vegetable-related food sensitivity – oral allergy syndrome – occurs most often in people allergic to pollen. all so confusing ——– nightshade vegetables, such as tomatoes, potatoes, goji berries, peppers, and eggplant I would recommend downloading the guides on this website, they are all free, and really going through them. Once you get past those defenses, most animals are non-toxic. Sulforaphane can even disrupt epithelial barriers providing yet another plant chemical that can contribute to “leaky gut.” [r, r], It’s not surprising that this cell killer has been recognized as an anticancer chemical. Mercury damages methylation which is responsible for DNA formation, and thousands of enzyme processes are at risk. Very interesting – thanks for sharing your experience! I have it in my right foot, going up past my ankle. Seems odd they would be in the dark if this research is legitiment. 2011;94(1):240-246. If you have a reaction to a vegetable, avoid it, or eat it only in its cooked form, if tolerated. But the God others believe in is not the God I believe in. Kohlrabi 10. While this is good in the context of fighting a cancerous cell or ridding the body of sulforaphane, I don’t think sending the troops to battle on a constant basis should be seen as a good thing. Nutritionally the difference between grass and grain finished is quite miniscule. In short, this is very interesting and I appreciate the contribution! But I love vegetables!! A food allergy occurs when your immune system thinks your food is an invader. Hi Lisa. I followed Dr. Joel Fuhrman and Dr. Caldwell Essekstyn religiously!!! No one I talk to has ever heard of it because it’s so rare. Oral allergy syndrome (OAS) is a common food-related allergy that develops in adults. But it also includes cabbage and cauliflower, kale and collards, radishes and arugula, mustard greens and mustard seeds, and the list goes on. [r]. Cruciferous vegetables can potentially prevent ... reduce nasal allergy inflammation, manage type 2 diabetes, and was recently found to successfully help treat autism. People use the root as a food and to make medicine. I am of the camp that the body is far more complicated than we’ve even come close to figuring out. So, which is more dangerous, the effects of the sulphurophane, or not having the extra liver protection? And I would submit that this is an animal-based diet. ... Allergy. They compete with iodine and thereby block its uptake by the thyroid. For me, a helpful analogy is to relate to chemotherapy treatment. HI Dr. Stock, this is so interesting and alarming…my functional doc has me taking a dose of a sulphurophane supplement daily, to help protect my liver. Kevin. Nutrition Facts of Different Cruciferous Vegetables. Price $ 42.00 However, in rare cases, kale can cause an allergic reaction. I would have told her that I didn’t have any symptoms. Brussels sprouts 5. Is it safe to drink the powdered super green foods? Cruciferous vegetables, also known as brassicas, can include kale, broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, bok choi, arugula, turnips, and watercress. Hi Kevin. Like you mention, life expectancy has increased substantially over the last 200 years, but mostly from decreases in infant mortality as well as success in preventing/treating infectious diseases. Today show nutritionist Joy Bauer shares the most common IBS trigger foods to avoid so you can learn how to eat meals that are safe for your stomach. It’s not just broccoli and brussel sprouts. The myth that cruciferous vegetables cause cancer in healthy individuals can be debunked using a 2015 meta-analysis of 18 different studies. You may also experience gastrointestinal distress from cruciferous vegetables if you have a C. diff infection. ... Allergy. Kale is one of the most nutrient-dense foods available. However, additional iodine consumption cannot counteract other glucosinolate byproducts like oxazolidine-2-thiones which also blocks iodine preventing thyroxine production. Arugula (rocket) 2. It’s the sulfur.

Learn more about the symptoms of a carrot allergy, which other foods you may be allergic to, and which foods you can use as a substitute. (it is rather fascinating) However, all you need to know is this. These can include: In severe cases of food allergies, anaphylaxis occurs. And came across your article. I am never eating that stuff again. Does anyone know if MSM is also bad?

Learn more about the symptoms of a carrot allergy, which other foods you may be allergic to, and which foods you can use as a substitute. Brendon, that was a very thorough and throughtful reply. So what do we need to eat . what if it’s organic – does organic have the same bad stuff glucosinolate. Your example above of taking a chemo agent to protect against cancer….well I DO take a chemo agent. Health Dangers of Cruciferous Vegetables – Thyroid Health The isothiocyanates created by chewing up broccoli can have potent antithyroid effects and interfere with thyroid hormone production. instead of feeling like I’m trying to crawl out of a 12′ hole. Kale is in the cruciferous vegetable family. It kills cells. In other words, don’t plant a cruciferous vegetable where a cruciferous vegetable was planted last year. Because the cruciferous family of vegetables are susceptible to the same diseases and pests, it’s best to make sure that you rotate the location of all cruciferous vegetables in your garden each year. When the body encounters something that is damaging, it wants to get rid of it. If I talk with a nutritionist, would they be in agreement with you deterring eating vegetables? These are decisions you have to make, and ideally with your doctor who knows your situation in detail, and knows the costs/benefits/alternatives and can discuss these with you. Vegetables that have been reported to have caused allergic reactions include the following: Aubergine, beetroot, cabbage, carrot, celery, cucumber, garlic, lettuce, mushroom, onion, peppers, sweetcorn and potato (recently we were made aware of potato starch being used as an anti-caking agent in a pizza). Dr Saladino mentions that activating Nrf2 pathways via hormetic activities such as cold exposure is superior to Sulforaphane ingestion as it may have negatives like affecting dna and damaging it and so it being problematic, but activating the NRf2 pathway can be problematic either way right? People are healing all types of neurological and autoimmune disorders using ACC frequent low dose chelation, the only safe way to move mercury out of the body. Animals’ main defenses are to run away, or to use violence. If you decide to eat cruciferous vegetables, it’s a good idea to take some protective measures. I just happened to be reading this article and could hardly believe when I saw that you suffer from RSD/CRPS! In the last decade, however, we have seen life expectancy level / decrease, which is complicated and includes increases in drugs-related deaths, suicide, as well as historic rises in deaths linked to influenza (notably in 2017 and, of course highlighted in this 2020 pandemic) but also pneumonia. We have to drink alcohol and eat hemlock in moderation? I feel like I was supposed to have found you, and I am not one of those mystical souls. A doctor may also choose to place you on an elimination diet. On the other hand you want it to reduce oxidative stress and yet it has been linked to cancer growth and proliferation. venom. Or the side effects. As with other plant chemicals, the poison is in the dose, and an individual’s ability (or lack thereof) to disarm the plant poisons. But rather all world religions, which really say the same thing. Perhaps this has been part of the cause. Is that correct, to your knowledge? Until the fall of man, meats were not eaten. I NEVER thought I would see that day. It can be eye opening that so many of the “healthy” foods out there can cause so many problems. I’ve never met another person who had it. Hi Lisa, sorry to hear about your struggles. The best I can do at this point is buy frozen only. The former will help you understand what we have always eaten and the effects of modern diet and the latter sheds light on the corruption of medical institutions following the early 1900’s. If you have an allergic reaction, you should see a doctor for testing. Low Salicylate Cruciferous Vegetables Although bok choy, Brussels sprouts and cabbage also belong to the cruciferous vegetable family, they have a negligible salicylate content and are not likely to contribute to your hives. I just came across this article. One common concern is the association between cruciferous vegetables and gas. Indoles are found in cruciferous vegetables such as broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower and Brussels sprouts. Dr. Joel Fuhrman, an American celebrity nutritionist who advocates a nutrient-dense diet, devised a simple formula for good health: They may refer you to a specialist or conduct allergy testing. Plants are stationary and have neither the option of fight nor flight, so they use chemical warfare instead. Fight or flight. My God! Cases remain above 200,000 per day, and deaths are averaging more than 2,000 per day. I agree. I mean these are the vegetables that kill cancer, right? Healthline Media does not provide medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. If you find yourself among the small population with an allergic reaction to cruciferous vegetables, you should avoid eating kale and other vegetables in this category. This is hard to believe and I do not see anything sited here. all legumes, such as lentils, beans, peanuts, and chickpeas Plants cannot escape or bite, so they poison. There is no “obvious truths” – for example most people would consider cruciferous vegeatbles as being healthy. A doctor will prick your skin and inject a small amount of the allergen in question. Gotta say I am in complete agreement with you. They are full of sulfur and this is one of the pathways that gets damaged by mercury, IT’s the reason for the many food intolerances and allergies of our time, mainly gluten, casein, salicylates and sulfur. However, evidence that the same thing happens in humans is lacking. I wouldn’t (at least on any kind of regular basis), The Ultimate  30-Day Guide to Going Full Carnivore, How to Lose Fat on the Carnivore Diet (the 3 Steps), Disclaimers, Terms of Serivce, Privacy Policy. Three types of skin reactions can accompany nightshade vegetable allergy. One review on the safety of cruciferous plants included a study that looked at oilseed rape, which is a member of this vegetable group. all grains and products made with grain or flour, including cakes, crackers, and bread Pollock RL. Zhang X, Shu XO, Xiang YB, et al. Most people don’t take low dose chemotherapy as a cancer prevention strategy. Nothing is 100% true or wrong. Keep reading to learn about nightshade allergies and…. I do my walking that’s allowed, my limited exercise, and my brain exercises. ... As of yet, there is limited research into sulfur intolerance or allergy specifically. Learn about their causes, symptoms, and when you should see a doctor. This large group of plants is diverse, each providing strong, unique flavors. Woah. Histamine is found in spinach and is released in large quantities in inflammatory processes, which is why it’s one of the main causes of allergies. It’s well known that broccoli and other … [r, r] Here we’ll look at glucosinolates and their role in the health dangers of cruciferous vegetables. Nobody can tell me what I should be eating to help with my issues. However, I’m not sold that vegetables are inherently dangerous, nor am I sold that the body can’t filter the problems associated with things appropriately. https://www.kevinstock.io/health/vitamins-and-minerals-plants-vs-animals/. [r] This depletes our glutathione (our most potent human antioxidant) leaving cells vulnerable to further oxidative damage. Free Shipping Within The US. Then you’ll reintroduce them one by one to see if you have symptoms. I remember doctors taking a “smoke break,” back in the day. I’m often asked by hypothyroid patients if they should… They dont need to create internal chemicals that cause damage. Kale 9. triplescp@yahoo.com Thank you. Only one case report relating cruciferous vegetables to thyroid harm suggests it would be almost impossible to consume enough cruciferous to harm the thyroid. Broccoli Can Inhibit Your Production of Thyroid Hormone. Some people handle various plant-based foods better/worse than others, so the tolerance is obviously variable. Jim, how are you feeling at this point on the carnivore diet? But generation by generation, we engineered this one plant’s leaves, stems and flowers into new “foods.”. We’ve become ill-equipped to handle these toxins over millions of years of human evolution (https://www.kevinstock.io/health/what-did-humans-evolve-to-eat/). You may be familiar with these crucifers because of their pungent smell. And patients for the most part see their doctors as some kind of God. I think of this as the “matchstick” that lights the bomb. Thank You, tell me why i dont tolerate sardines from cans and i m really allergic to fish. Despite broccoli, twinkies, & soda, we now live much longer and probably due to greater protection from deadly diseases like polio, etc., better shelters, clothing, abundance of food, etc. Soy Just like those people who are over 100 years old and eat everything.   Because birch pollen allergy is so common, it is the most widely studied of all OAS associations. I personally don’t eat kale (https://www.kevinstock.io/health/health-dangers-of-oxalates/). If you already have a problem with kidney stones, it may be a good idea to avoid kale. 7. If you have hypothyroidism (underactive thyroid), you may have been told to avoid cruciferous vegetables — such as kale, cauliflower, broccoli, cabbage, and Brussels sprouts. We transformed these plants through artificial selection to get the biggest, most pest-resistant breeds possible. Explore new vegetables! 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